Loose Watercolor Goldfish: Drawing to Painting Tutorial

by Nianiani

Loose Watercolor Goldfish: Drawing to Painting Tutorial


Hi everyone today s video was actually from a request long long ago when someone saw these goldfish practices that I did in my old sketchbook tour and today I ve finally created a tutorial for it It s inspired by the artist Li Ching who uses traditional Chinese painting method with watercolours On my version I used the shape of the main shape of the goldfish as an inspiration but I kept the techniques simpler so it doesn t require as much brush pressure control Hopefully this tutorial was clear enough for you to follow and happy painting _ More LiChingHeng s PaintingsFollow me on skillshare for free 2 months membership Subscribe www youtube com c nianiani Follow me on instagram ig_nianianiTOOLS Paint Holbein CotmanBrush Vtec size 2 and WN Sceptre Gold II size 0Paper Canson XL 300gsmMUSIC No 6 In My Dreams by Ester Abrami from YouTube Audio Library



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