【UVレジン 100均】セリアの新モールドドロップ型を試して...
このドロップ型 お勧めですヽ(^o^)丿観て頂けたら嬉しいですヽ(^o^)丿
Today I m talking about and using some rare products the kind that you look at and no matter how random they are say I m gonna do my entire face just so I can use this product Similar to favorites but different Better Also I haven t been able to stop talking about them for 2 weeks so hopefully this isn t overly redundant lol Hope you like xoPRODUCTS LOVEDL Oreal Infallible 24HR Fresh Wear FoundationRevlon Colorstay ConcealerCharlotte Tilbury Dolce Vita PaletteEstee Lauder x Violette Amour Amour PaletteL Oreal Voluminous Original MascaraMaybelline City BronzerBurt s Bees Blush in Bare PeachBITE Beauty Caramelized Liquid Lipstick DISCLAIMER This video is not sponsored All opinions good or bad are SOLELY my own PR samples free makeup will NEVER sway my own opinion of a brand or product I DO implement commissioned links in the above product listing Lastly please remember that what I state about how a products performs looks and wears or the way I describe something is OPINION and not fact Always do your own research BUSINESS INQUIRIES mariah infagency comINSTAGRAM TWITTER
このドロップ型 お勧めですヽ(^o^)丿観て頂けたら嬉しいですヽ(^o^)丿
◇instagram◇ https://www.instagram.com/sapphirus_beads
Hi everyone! Hope you are having an amazing day! Here is an unboxing of my order from Hirt's Gardens! I hope you enjoy it! Over al...
Easy Crafts Ideas For DIY Jewelry YOU'LL LOVE / DIY jewelry Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE channel & LIKE video. thank you ........... ...
大家!!趕快註冊 Buyandship 跟我一起爆買迪士尼一波!!! Buyandship 國際網購代運來這邊註冊:http://bit.ly/2pxgcfk 在【推薦朋友號碼】或【推廣碼】欄位上填寫「EVA2018」即可獲得 270 元運費抵用金! *還有一...
今回はマニキュアフラワーの紫陽花を作りました。基本的な作り方は桜の花と同じです。 この後はバレッタやブローチなど、アクセサリーに加工していきます。よかったら次回の動画もチェックしてみてください。
チャンネル登録&高評価ボタンお願いしますm(_ _)m💓
著作権・お願いについて☆ https://youtu.be/KhcJpSg2sE4
ジェンダーレスダンサー・モデル「momotaro(モモタロ)」 Smoky Rock Makeの続き→ ロックヘアセット
출처(Credit): https://instagram.com/tuckerandanniewhitegoldens
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