Making a Needlelace Pillow and Stand

by Enchanted Rose Costumes

Making a Needlelace Pillow and Stand


WorthGown Needlelace Costube Progress has been made With my bolster pillow and stand complete I finally have the tools I need to start on my next needle lace project MATERIALS Bolster Pillow 1 4 long 8 cardboard cement form24 x 26 cork boardTowel4M cotton batting 60 wide2 M of cotton for inner and outer covers4M 1 2 twill tapeGorilla Glue Pillow Stand 1 4 long 1 dowel1 2 x 8 x 32 pine board 8 screwsMENTIONS TOOLS 18 Clear RulerClover Leather ThimbleDrawstring ThreaderFILMING EQUIPMENT Camera Canon Rebel T5i DSLR Kit 18 55mm similar model Canon T6i DSLR Kit Lens Canon EF 50mm f 1 8 STM Lighting GVM 560 LED Video Lights 2 pack Mic Blue Yeti Silver voiceover PowerDeWise Professional Grade Lavalier Lapel Microphone OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTSFor business enquiries only please EnchantedRoseCostumes gmail com Sorry I do not take personal dressmaking commissions



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