Making a Resin Cast Leather Dovetail Box

by Ian Atkinson

Making a Resin Cast Leather Dovetail Box


In this video I m showing you the process I went through of resin casting a leather inlay into the top of a wooden dovetail chisel box that I made This was a bit of an experiment and I m sure not everyone will be interested in this but I sometimes film these sorts of things in case they turn out nicely and in the end this one did Here are some links for the items used in the video in case you want to check them out Gedeo crystal resin Trend Varijig DEWALT D26204K plunge trim router set Freud 42 104 Flush Trim BitI m quite new to woodworking and this was the first time I d tried the resin so I don t claim to be very good at either of them



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