Making an 1890s Corset

by Cat's Costumery

Making an 1890s Corset


Hello everyone and welcome to a new video New project in historically inspired costumes means new underthings At least for me I probably could have used a corset that I already have however I love making corsets and really enjoy them as a project The construction is really straightforward So to make this corset different I decided to go extra with the embellishments I ended up embroidering like 60 of this corset and I regret nothing except a few blisters on my hands I used Sugar n Craft cotton cord the same I used for my corded petticoat It is lightweight but stable easy to find and cheap I m not sure how much I used but it didn t make much of a dent in the skein The corset took me about two weeks to make not counting the corset drafting and mock up process Things I mentioned My Instagram katisinthebag for mock up progressesIf you are interested in seeing some more of my work here are some links Instagram katisinthebagFor business inquiries email catscostumery gmail comMusic from Epidemic Sound




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