Making Lifelike 3D Aquariums With Paint Cast In Resin


Making Lifelike 3D Aquariums With Paint Cast In Resin


These lifelike aquariums capture the beauty of koi fish using a technique of layering resin and paint to create the optical illusion of depth The studio that creates them is owned by Lillian Lee an artist in China For more visit MORE NATURE INSPIRED CONTENT Woodworker Makes River Tables Using Things Found In NatureHow This Artist Makes Realistic Glass Animal SculpturesGerm Art Is Helping Change The Way We Think About Bacteria Resin Painting ArtInsiderINSIDER is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know That s everything from news to food celebrity to science politics to sports and all the rest It s smart It s fearless It s fun We push the boundaries of digital storytelling Our mission is to inform and inspire Making Lifelike 3D Aquariums With Paint Cast In Resin



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