Healthy Dessert Recipes | Skil...
Healthy Dessert Ideas and treats that and easy and yummy. These healthy desserts are healthy desserts recipes and can be made vega...
Bienvenid s a un nuevo video hoy vamos a pintar en la uña unas margaritas siguiendo unos pasos muy sencillos si quieres ver la versión de esta técnica pero a colores con efecto de gelatina no olvides dejarme en los comentarios muchos emojis de flores VIDEOS NUEVOS todos los LUNES MIÉRCOLES VIERNES 5pm hora Ciudad de México Mis redes sociales Quieres una mano de Silicona como la mía Consigue un 10 de descuento utilizando el código melisarocha Productos utilizados Iman para ojo de gato Iman Efecto S y X Base diamante para tips Base Para Tip 125 00USD 6 47 Tips almond Tip Almond 45 00 185 00USD 2 33 9 58 Gel painting Painting Gel 70 00USD 3 63 Pinceles liner Esmalte semipermanente verde Gel OFN Colección 05 249 00USD 12 90 Punteros PUNTERO Top Coat TOP COAT 15ml Gasas Gasitas Limpiadoras 95 00USD 4 92 VIDEOS RECOMENDADOS
Healthy Dessert Ideas and treats that and easy and yummy. These healthy desserts are healthy desserts recipes and can be made vega...
Bu videoda sizlere tuğla tekniği ( brick stitch) ile üçgen yapmayı gösterdim. Ben bu projede miyuki boncukları kullanmayı tercih e...
Welcome back to my creative channel Gilda Workshop! In this video, I will show you how to assemble DIY handmade earrings!
Hey sweet peeps! I can't believe Halloween is TOMORROW! WOT?! 😱 I hope you have your costumes ready! 😁
I hope you enjoy this video, a special thank you to SK-II for sponsoring this video! Try out the SK-II Facial Treatment Essence he...
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Hello! Today we are making embroidery for all over the shirt (loop stitch). Don't forget to like, share and subscribe!
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