Mid Year Reset | Productive Week Getting My Life Together for 2020
Hello my loves Today I have a productive week in the life vlog showing you how I m getting my life together for the next six months Can t believe 2020 is just around the corner Hope you enjoy today s video xxxFind me on Pinterest www pinterest com au hannahlouiseweirFor business enquiries email hannah maxconnectors com au For PR and gifting please email hannah thenailtrail gmail comMusic Epidemic SoundCamera Canon Rebel T3i 600D Vlog camera Panasonic Lumix GF8 Editing software iMovie
Dry Marble Floral Nail Art
I used my collaboration tools by Picture Polish. Я использовала мои кисти и дотсы, созданные в сотрудничестве с Picture Polish. h...
ドライフラワーと、100均材料を使ってクリスマスのシャンパンカクテルをイメージした雫形のチャームを作りました(*´꒳`*)↓下に材料と購入店を書いています↓ ドライフラワーの作り方:https://youtu.be/KcinmN2-Ovc 「ドライフラワーを5...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here's a video where I show you my update sweat-proof makeup routine! Hope you enjoy! Thanks for watchin...
【ASMR】カワウソビンゴの食事風景 (ASMR)Ott...
ASMR風に動画を撮ってみました。ボリボリ食べるクチャラーのビンゴをお楽しみくださいませ! ◆チャンネル登録お願いします! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpRS2Kp3cYnbjVuTagu3JYQ ーーーーーーーーーーー...
THIS ONE will make you LAUGH F...
HELP HOMELESS ANIMALS AND WIN A PRIZE BY CHOOSING AN AWESOME ITEM FROM OUR STORE: https://fanjoy.co/collections/tiger-productions ...
Zentangle Project Pack No. 10 ...
Welcome to Zentangle Project Pack No. 10: Zentangle Legend.
瘋狂的黑五折扣 買什麼?購物清單分享 | Moncler |...
謝謝大家收看, 今天分享的單品細節都在下方資訊欄喔~
Spring Vegetable Chowder Made ...
Celebrate the first day of spring with vegan vegetable chowder! If you want more of Tasty, check out our merch here: https://amzn....