Join Molly Baz in the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen as she makes crispy smashed potatoes A condiment made up of walnuts anchovies garlic and red pepper flakes is the ultimate umami bomb which is then spooned over the crispiest ever smashed potatoes ABOUT BON APPÉTITCook with confidence using Bon Appetit s kitchen tips recipes videos and restaurant guides Stay current on the latest food trends dining destinations and hosting ideas Molly Makes Cripsy Smashed Potatoes From the Test Kitchen Bon Appétit
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Raccoons very rarely get dirty enough to take a bath, but when they do its heccin cute. Watch how Cheeto reacts when I bring out ...
► Упомянутые видео: ● Полка звездочёта - https://youtu.be/Pa7jEZ-WBbI
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