by Jenny Mustard



subscribe to my channel recipes oooo yay it s the christmas treats episode all vegan all relatively healthy and all yummy as hell because let s face it how happy would the holidays really be without the food i know one youtuber who s going to stuff her face come december 24th ___listen to our podcast latest episode WHAT IT S REALLY LIKE TO WORK IN SOCIAL MEDIA ___the dip in the pot is my favourite weird swedish dish but i m also so looking forward to david s chocolate fudge the mandarins the fig chutney the crisp bread the vegan cheese prince sausages and meat balls the vegan christmas ham the kale salad and the roasted brussels sprout the jansson s delight and the pickled aubergine in vegan caviar sauce i mean the list goes on and on i could just keep on typing so let s stop before i drool all over myself i m wearing a white shirt after all xmas food is of course normally incredibly rich and not so high in nutrients so i ve found a way to balance it out with lots of fresh fruit and veg to keep my body from going under balance is a good word this time of year don t you think ___check us out on instagram ___love jenny___follow us elsewhereinstagram facebook bloglovin our podcast THE MUSTARDS available on most podcast apps



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