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Hand Embroidery Designs Fantasy flower design Stitch and Flower 174A five thousand year old legend has it that an imperial Chinese princess discovered the secret of the silk fiber A silkworm cocoon accidentally dropped into a cup of tea and as she retrieved it it dissolved to reveal a shimmering filament strong enough to be used for textiles And so the great silk industry was born Just as valued as the silk fiber were the techniques to apply that fiber decoratively to cloth also perfected by the Chinese Needles of bronze ivory and bone have been found in Chinese archeological sites dated around 3000 BC which implies that embroidery probably existed at that time The crown jewel of Chinese embroidery is the satin stitch perfectly suited to display silk s beauty Refinement of technique is necessary for the perfectly executed satin stitch motif must appear smooth flat and seamless like satin itself Exquisite shaded effects are possible thanks to a satin stitch relative the long and short stitch It s likely that the backstitch and stem stitch originated in China and a certainty that the Pekinese stitch did too Stitchers around the world have embraced Chinese inspired designs referring to them as Chinoiserie which experienced periodic revivals in bursts of activity whenever new exploration or some innovation in transportation brought increased trade with Asia One particular American take on silk embroidery were mourning pictures Beginning around the time of the death of George Washington in 1799 these personal expressions were stitched on silk fabric with the faces of the subjects painted in a technique called needlepainting achieved by the long and short stitch The designs featured figures languishing by monuments and urns in pretty pastoral settings with weeping willows When silk was scarce embroiderers learned to make do with cotton threads A world apart from opulent silk work was the simple cotton on cotton stitchery popular in America and affordable to all from the late 19th Century onward You can see the same satin stitch technique invented for silk worked with cotton floss on Flight of Fancy s butterfly in the Encyclopedia Of Needlework by Donna Kooler Today cotton embroidery is still practiced as a lively folk art in many areas of the world from Mexico and Central America where wild colors decorate everyday garments and attract tourist dollars to southeast Asia where the Hmong people of Cambodia embroider stories of recent political conflict on their fabulous quilt like wall hangings
皆様いつもご視聴、コメントありがとうございます! 私の事を大切に思ってくれているファンの皆様にいつも感謝しています❤️私はいつも皆さんを大切に思ってます。 楽しんで動画を観て頂ければ嬉しいです❤️ よろしくお願い致します!
みなさんあけましておめでとうございます♡ 2019年もよろしくお願いいたします^^ 今日はキャラクターワイヤーネイルの中から、スヌーピーをチョイスしました!😆どうしても爪からはみ出てしまったり、小さすぎてたワイヤーですが、あるやり方をすれば簡単に失敗なく作れち...
We asked our friend Letterboy to give you som of his best tips on calligraphy with a parallell pen. He says about the pen: "The P...
いつもご視聴ありがとうございます✨ 動画が少しでも良いと思ったら高評価とチャンネル登録よろしくお願いいたします💓☺️🙏 ご質問や動画の希望、感想などぜひコメントください( ´◡` )❃・゚
Today, I tried "Invisible Wall Challenge" with kitties!
Check out the reaction these dogs have with laser! Subscribe http://bit.ly/EpicLaughs for weekly videos!
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Cute Cats & Dog always make you laugh # 25
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