LIVE 02: Glitter Gradient

by Celine Bernaerts

LIVE 02: Glitter Gradient


Hello everyone Thanks so much for joining my LIVE session here on YOUTUBE In this episode i ll be showcasing one of my favourite looks from this year A glitter gradient transitioning from bright green to bright blue Make sure to subscribe to never miss a video or live session Go to 04 55 to skip the countdown Products Used Smashbox photo finish primerDerma shield the ultimate skin protectantDepixym cosmetic emulsion in 0577 0004 0982 0446Anastasia beverly hills norvina loose glitter in color wave and keep palmMakeupstore limited edition glitterAnastasia beverly hills glitter adhesiveHuda beauty fauxfilter foundationChanel beauty poudre libre universelleKvd vegan beauty kitten mini shade light contour duoLinda hallberg infinity highlighterLORD BERRY Ultimate Lip Liner in 3037BECCA Glow GlossHUDA BEAUTY Glow CocoTOP by Other StoriesEarrings by Other StoriesDisclaimer This video contains no sponsorships I might have received a couple products in PR



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