【November】11月の毎日メイク【Everyday M...
子猫の頃のトワ君です 犬にだいぶん慣れてきた子猫のトワ君 調子に乗って柴犬のヤトにケンカを売りまくります ヤトは優しく 何やってんの って顔で全く相手にしません 三匹の様子が時系列でアップできておらず ただ今整理中です ー なので トワが小ちゃくなったり大きくなったりしますw
using a painting as reference, i am sharing my experience on how i overcome the fear of failure. * watch more videos on Patreon: h...
In this cake decorating tutorial, I demonstrate how to create this two tier elephant decorated cake, inspired by a design given to...
Awesome DIY Squishy Notebook tutorial. This super cute soft and flexible stress-relieving toy is not just a toy, but an actual not...
Happy Monday Everyone! Finally, I finished everything for my upcoming solo show that I spent a whole year working on. I feel like ...
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안녕하세요!!! 제리팝입니다 :D 이번에는 '변신 슬라임'이라는 포핀쿠킨을 만들어 봤는데요!!
회사원입니다! 태국의 뷰티 유튜버 제인에게 "제인의 데일리 메이크업을 제 얼굴에 해 주세요!" 하면 이렇게 됩니다! 밝고 귀엽고 친절한 제인 영상도 보러 가 보세용! https://www.youtube.com/user/janemake...
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