My NEW 2019 Bullet Journal Setup! ✨ CARRY ME TO 2020 ✨

by Inprint

My NEW 2019 Bullet Journal Setup! ✨ CARRY ME TO 2020 ✨


My new 2019 New Bullet Journal Planner Setup video is finished and ready to take me to 2020 2019 has been amazing so far and I can t wait to see what the rest of the year has to offer This is another elegant setup and it came out just how I wanted it has a cover page calendar key YouTube ideas journal planner brain dump 30 before 30 food I loved and a fun phrase This is a carry on theme from the 2019 bullet journal setup video I m supper happy with the way it turned out When planning the rest of 2019 I wanted to keep things simple again so I stayed with the Lemome bullet journal and only used black and grey ink with a similar floral theme as before I really love this theme and had the best time making it I hope you enjoy it as much as I do Like if you enjoyed WANNA SUPPORT ME ON PATREON MUSIC bulletjournal2019 bulletjournalsetup bulletjournal2020




  • by R4 リキリコとリリリム 793

始まりはリムとリコ♡寝起き後にリコの横に並ぶリム♪ リコがふせのポーズをすると、リムも♪ リコがあくびをすると、またまたリムも♪ リムはマネして犬化しちゃうかも?!(*´艸`) そして、キジトラ猫リリは、大好きなリコの背中のモフモフ柴ふでゆったり癒しのひと時♥...