My Weekly Cleaning Routine + Cleaning Products I Love

by Rachel Talbott

My Weekly Cleaning Routine + Cleaning Products I Love


Hey guys Today I wanted to partner with The Grove Collaborative to share some products I like to use while cleaning and also my current weekly routine If you are an existing member click here for a free walnut scrubber sponge PLEASE READ The Grove Collaborative can only ship to the lower 48 states and unfortunately doesn t yet ship to Hawaii or Alaska or Canada To redeem the free gift valued at 25 you have to spend 20 to check out and that gift is for new customers Existing customers will be able to get a free set of our Walnut Scrubber sponges added to their next order My tip is to be sure to adjust your order monthly so you get items auto shipped to you that you want and don t get too much of one thing that you don t need If you do NOT wish to receive any items be sure your cart is empty Remove your credit card or cancel completely if you wish to stop shipments altogether I adjust my order all the time based on what I need and don t need I don t use every product mentioned all of the time but I did want to share a bunch of my favorites Often I will use the same product for multi purposes to save space waste etc MAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356 DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed are true my own I link affiliate links to make it easier for you to find the exact products I mention and I LOVE YOU Thank you for supporting what I do THIS video is sponsored by The Grove Collaborative I am a paying customer of theirs and receive regular orders



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