Needle tatting. Necklace with layered rings / Фриволите иглой. Объемное ожерелье из мотивов

by Hobby Point by Anastasiya

Needle tatting. Necklace with layered rings / Фриволите иглой. Объемное ожерелье из мотивов


Multi layered necklace for needle tatters EXPAND FOR MORE DETAILS In this video tutorial I will show how to tat easy multi layered necklace _______________________________________________________You can support my channel by watching ads subscribing to my channel hitting Like button and sharing the video leaving your comments under the video_______________________________________________________For this project you will need thread in the video I use YarnArt Violet 282 m 50 g 100 cotton pearl cotton size 12 8 2 jump rings a clasp an extender chain a tatting needle 7 scissors a needle threader pliers If you ve enjoyed this video hit the like button below and subscribe to my channel not to miss the next video ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________PS if your stitches are too tight and it s difficult to pull out the needle try to use pliers hold the needle and pull it out hobbypoint needletatting tattednecklace tattingpattern фриволите фриволитеиглой фриволитесхема



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