NEW Cle De Peau Radiant Liquid Rouge Collection Swatches!

by LeSassafras

NEW Cle De Peau Radiant Liquid Rouge Collection Swatches!


A little bit of luxe beauty never hurt nobody You have to see how beautiful this new collection from Cle De Peau is I m swatching the entire new Radiant Liquid Rouge collection in Shine Matte these shades are inspired by dyed silk and flowers found in Kimono design Swatches in order of appearance Shine SepiaSugar JellyDelicious DreamTulip FeverBird of ParadiseTangyRed CurrentMidnight DewMatte Cream CrushTouch Of BlossomNectarGentle DreamMidnight MagicQuiet StormSilk KimonoEvening FlameFTC Not sponsored but thank you to Cle De Peau for sending me this collection to share Shop my store Pique My links S N A P C H A T lesassafras T W I T T E R 3INNIW Business inquiries please email LeSassafrasinfo gmail com luxurybeauty cledepeau lipswatches radiantliquidrouge