良かったら評価お願いします! ニコニコ版 https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34084245
Hi Sweetie Subs This is 100 made by light air dry clay Which is paper type We use our own factory made ones 24 colors skintone included We ll put it on sale soon Q A We wish everyone can VIEW this carefully BEFORE YOU ASK ANYTHING We can t answer again and again the same questions Really exhausted And we do know many of you wants to learn this art but also please give us some of your patience to wait for our future tutorials We ll definitely make many intro videos 1 what clay do you use We use our own factory made light air dry clay 2 Can you make a video to show how you make your clay No We can t It s not we don t want It s not homemade clay Unless you can find a factory and a professional machine to make it sorry 3 When do you bake it How do you keep it free from fingerprints We don t BAKE And no need to worry fingerprints IT S NOT POLYMER CLAY It s AIR DRY CLAY 4 Will you do polymer figure tutorials in future We will 5 How long does it take you guys to make a figure averagely One week Difficult ones even take more than one month 6 Where can I buy your clay and tools After we settled down the international shipping we ll put it on sale on our etsy shop soon Also will have all the tools we used 7 How do you stick your parts White glue is good enough 8 Do you guys use molds No we don t use any molds But we ll make some molds of our own to teach beginners how to use and sell it in future 9 Do you paint after it dries Yes 10 Can you do xxxxxxx tutorials in decent step by step for FREE please We will do a lot of tutorials but detailed tutorials will be for sale We ll open our Gumroad tutorial shop soon If you interested and really wants to learn please head over to our gumroad shop to buy it The tutorials will send to you AUTOMATICALLY after you placed your order It s convenient We really put a lot effort making tutorials so please don t ask for free Give us a little respect Even you go to school to study you pay for the tuition fee right Our Gumroad will be on the way www gumroad com lovely4u11 Did you do commissions If so how much We do commissions There s a commission order link in our etsy We only can tell the price when you give us very detailed reference We need colored high definition front view at least And back view if possible 12 What s your etsy and other social media link You can find all our social media link on our Youtube Channel banner Thanks 13 I want start to make clay crafts what tools I should get We re making a starter kit and professional kit will put them on sale in our etsy store soon 14 What paint do you use And the brush We us acrylic paint Be sure to add enough water to smooth it before you paint if you want to draw smoothly The brush size is 000 or 00000 You can go to any art supply store to find it Or you can wait us to put it on sale 15 What sealer do you use This is air dry clay It s not polymer clay It s not necessary actually But if you do want and say ok I want it anyway Then you just search matte spray on Amazon 16 What wire do you use We actually will definitely include this in our starter kit But if you want to get it by yourself Aluminum Wire 12 Gauge 39 Coil Silver Or Gauge 18 depends on which do you prefer 17 The time to put wire in This is really something about your experience Definitely you should wait it dries a little bit in order not to deform it But the exact time you need to figure out by yourself We wish you can give a little time reading our description in our etsy carefully so we both can save time Thank you so much for taking your precious time reading this We really appreciate you can save both of our time Please understand we re really tired to answer same questions infinitely Please leave comments to us if you have any additional questions related to our video We d really be happy to answer and help you as long as we can figure out 3
良かったら評価お願いします! ニコニコ版 https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34084245
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