I received an interesting message from someone asking why I don't call it what it is - 'spending' and suggested influencers use th...
SUBSCRIBE to my channel FOLLOW ME Instagram angelabrightTwitter angelabrightPRODUCTS USEDDon t forget to use EBATES when shopping online Both Sephora and Ulta offer 3 cash back Use this link to sign up AND get 10 Huda Beauty eyeshadow palette topaz obsessionsTarte double take eyeliner this sucked don t buy it House of Lashes iconic SIGMA BRUSHES USEDUse code ANGELABRIGHT to save And don t forget that Sigma offers 5 cash back through EBATES E35 fluffy blending brush E47 small tapered brush E56 medium flat synthetic packing brush E21 small smudge brush L04 small highlighting brush HELPFUL VIDEOSHow to get Beautiful Natural LashesBEST eye makeup brushes for hooded eyesWinged eyeliner for hooded eyesBrow routineHow I apply fake lashesDISCOUNTSSIGMA BRUSHESUse code ANGELABRIGHT for 10 offSigma offers 5 cash back through Ebates Use my link below to sign up and get 10 How I get money from shopping online Get 10 when you use this link Some links provided are affiliate linksFAQAre those your natural lashes How do they look so good Check out this video What camera and lens do you record with I use a Nikon D5500 with a 40mm macro lens I use 2 soft boxes and a ring light for lighting What eye primer do you use I always use a concealer set with a translucent powder Where is the rest of your face It s there Don t worry
I received an interesting message from someone asking why I don't call it what it is - 'spending' and suggested influencers use th...
‼️‼️Ingredients‼️‼️ 1) 5lbs of chuck pot roast 2) about 20 cups of water 3) large onion 4) carrots 5) 10 guajillo chiles 6) 3...
動画内で使ったレジン用品やお勧め素材楽天ルームにてピックアップしてます。 nyanrara のROOM - my favorites, my shop 好きなモノを集めてお店を作る
コスメを買うだけ買って紹介が間に合わなかった11月…12月にいっぱい紹介させてください! よかったらチャンネル登録よろしくお願いします♡
Hi everyone! Just wanted to make a really simple tutorial for beginners to get started with portrait painting on Procreate. If you...
Tutorial de bolso a crochet paso a paso. Para no perderte ningún tutorial SUSCRÍBETE:
Hand embroidery Rosette stitch | Basic hand embroidery stitch
Обзор новогодних покупок из фикс прайс. МК- ёлочки из ватных палочек🎄🎄🎄
Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. ...
鼠径ヘルニアのところが昨夜痛すぎて、うっ血もひどくなるし、股も腫れるし、座ってるだけでいたかったのに、病院行ったら、とりあえず我慢と言われた・・・(笑) 寝たら、80%くらい回復したよ!(笑)
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