by Allana Davison



HI Here are some of the new products that have popped up on the interweb and some initial thoughts and FEELINGS on them What makeup products are you loving from the drugstore lately XO Day11 PRODUCTS USED Revlon Skin Lights Face Glow IlluminatorCovergirl Clean Fresh Skin Milk FoundationRevlon Instant Cheek Maker in Coral BronzeRevlon Skin Lights Prismatic BronzerL Oreal True Match Lumi BronzeL Oreal Extra Volume Collagen MascaraL Oreal Infallible Matte Lip CrayonRevlon Super Lustrous Shine Lipstick in Beaming Strawberry WEARING Sweater TNANails Luxio sassy shellacJewels Pendant Necklace Dainty Bracelet Leah Alexandra USE CODE ALLANA FOR OFF OF THE ENTIRE SITE Twisted Chain Necklace Missoma Earrings Pinky Ring Mejuri 3 diff small hoops Shop through my link to get 10 off of your first Mejuri purchase My Fake DiamondZ Lisa Gozlan COME SAY HELLO INSTAGRAM allanaramaaTWITTER allanaramaaFor business inquiries email me at allanaramaa gmail com Edits DEJAN THE MAN Music Epidemic SoundFTC This video is not sponsored XO



6 Foods Growing Within Themsel...

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Did you know that sometimes, rarely foods will sprout and start growing within the food that is still growing right out of the gro...


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生後12日目を迎えたこたちゃ。目がだいぶ大きく開いてきました。そのせいもあってか目が閉じている時よりも動きが活発になったような気がします。ミルクを作っている待ち時間に待ちきれず動き回る姿もまた可愛いです^ ^キラキラと大きな目で「お腹が空いたよー!」と訴えられ...