On this October 2019 Bullet Journal monthly plan with me video I ll walk you through this very fall appropriate setup which was inspired by the Tundra I used my watercolours and created some decorations with my brush pens as well to go with this monthly theme This bullet journal setup was really fun for me to create and I also went back to some different spreads like my bigger habit tracker that I haven t used in a while on my bullet journal I always like to change things up on my plan with me videos not only for myself but for you as well because I always want to provide you many options and new ideas to try out on your bullet journals as well So I really hope you like this October Plan with me video and find something useful for your own bullet journal setups as well STICKERS AND PRINTS FOR PURCHASE My Etsy shop www etsy com shop annalandeendesignsHere you can find stickers digital download versions of some of the spreads and some printables of my bullet journal themes However please never feel like you need to buy anything from me to show support Your time your comments encouragement questions that all means more to me than I can ever be able to explain so this is just totally optional for those of you who ve been asking for this option THE TOOLS I USED Notebook Archer Olive Night Sky Dot Grid Notebook Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Paints 12 color set Artetje Camlon Pro watercolor brush in size 4 and 1 couldn t find the exact one online but it s nothing fancy Canson cold pressed Watercolor paper A4 Sakura Pigma Microns 005 01 08 Uniball Signo White Gel Pen ZIG Clean Color Real Brush Blender Tombow Dual Brush Pen No N89 Wam Gray 1 Tombow Dual Brush Pen No 228 Gray Green Tombow Dual Brush Pen No 993 Chrome Orange My Amazon links are affiliate links which means I earn a small comission if you shop through my links I appreciate a lot if you do so since it helps me to continue doing these videos Others Ruler I ve bought this probably 7 years ago from my local stationary store I have no idea which brand this is Glue roller from local book stationary store any brand does the same thing Nail Polish KL Polish Graham two coats MUSIC From Epidemicsound com MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA Website Blog Coming Etsy Shop www etsy com shop annalandeendesigns Instagram journal away Pinterest journalawayFor business inquiries please email me at anna journalaway gmail com Hello everybody My name is Anna and I m a young woman from Finland with wild dreams I started bullet journaling in March 2018 and I m completely in love If you share the same hobby grab your journal sit back and Journal Away with me JournalAway BulletJournal PlanWithMe
嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre,今天的『食不相瞞』我們要來做一個大人小孩都很喜歡的焦糖布丁燒 (Caramel Pudding Castella Cake)。
發問前請先詳閱資訊欄喔~感謝!! / / 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱~我們下支影片再見囉♡ 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/tangful/ Follow my Instagram @tang_ful for more mak...
バルコニーが広くて良かった☆笑 これからもうちょっと育てる種類を増やそうと思います(^^)
Time to whip out the paint again, as today we show you how to create 12 of your own easy to make and super colorful works of art i...
翻訳にご協力いただけるととてもとてもありがたいです🙌💕 https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCroloVlHKUnvOMn5MtuvyDg&tab=2
3:23 언박싱 시작~❤️
Butters loves fall because he loves to watch the leaves, but he also wants to eat them.
タイムラプス版 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmZsvH200N4
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