今回はわたあめメーカーを買ったので作ってみました(^^) ちょりも気になって様子を見に来たみたいです♪笑
A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin helps build a simple box fort Pipkin is a free roam rabbit who loves building box forts This is a beginner box fort we made in the winter our first box fort thinking maybe it could go inside his snow fort We decided to leave the box fort inside and build a snow fort outside instead because the rabbit liked playing in the fort so much We can t believe we never thought to post the rabbit making him a box fort until now If you want to learn how to make a box fort these are the simple steps on how to build a fort you can follow along with We were not sure if the rabbit would like the cardboard fort but he really did The free range rabbit likes playing with card board so it only makes sense that the rabbit likes a card board fort We re thinking of having the rabbit help build a bigger box fort and maybe do some rabbit eating ASMR videos inside of the fort or on top of the fort If you have a suggestion on what the bunny rabbit should eat with his next box fort please let us know He has eaten lots of things already carrots apples lettuce peaches we think banana is the rabbits favorite food but please let us know what you want to see the rabbit eating in his next box fort Is it the cutest thing ever We hope you think so Thanks so much for watching our cute rabbit video If you d like to see more cute rabbit videos please check out our channel Our rabbit videos are kid friendly and mother approved rabbits bunnies boxfort cute rabbitsbuildingforts
今回はわたあめメーカーを買ったので作ってみました(^^) ちょりも気になって様子を見に来たみたいです♪笑
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