by White Piece



We wanted to share with you all a summer inspired bedroom This was one of the more colorful styles that we have done We usually keep to our simple white gray and black schemes but this time we decided to try something else We got the chance to work with bedsuredesigns and styled a duvet cover Duvet covers have always been one of our favorite bedding pieces because they are the best way to change a style and look of your bed without having to spend a lot of money We did mix a few different styles in the bedroom look to hopefully help and inspire you to create your own look without having to purchase all new products We added more seating areas in the room with the idea that you would have more options to sit and relax P S we know that the word beautiful does look like it is missing the letter t but its their and it just looks weird Gray Duvet cover Angelina RuthFor business inquires farwhitepiece gmail comSong In Your Robotic Heart Artist Nicolai HeidlasTitle High Above



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