Zoya - Luscious (Fall 2020) | Swatch & Review

by jessFACE90

Zoya - Luscious (Fall 2020) | Swatch & Review


READ THIS I BEG YOUThe polishes shown were sent for reviewToday I have swatches of the new Luscious collection from Zoya for fall 2020Polishes mentioned TommyWandaPatriceTeresaSoleilMelTashaSharonBentleyLouAndreaLisa__On my nails N AOn my lips Coola Nude Beach_____Snapchat jessface90Please send business inquiries to jessface90 gmail com_FAQ What top coat base coat do you use I don t have a favorite topcoat I just use whatever is laying around for swatches and the HK Girl from Glisten Glow for manicures My all time favorite base coat the CND Stickey You can find that on Amazon com or at Ulta stores Why do you take your picture and video swatches separately Since my lighting camera settings and tripod all have to be adjusted when switching from pictures to video its faster and helps keep the lighting more consistent if I batch process all the pictures at once and then all the videos at another time It also helps me get a feel for how to work with the polish if I do my pictures before the video How long do you let your nail polish dry between coats I wait until a coat is completely dry to the touch before adding another one The time it takes for that to happen varies from polish to polish but usually is around 3 5 minutes How long do swatch videos take you to make To take pictures film edit and upload it takes between 8 12 hours depending on the size of the collection Why don t you paint EVERY SINGLE inch of your nail and ALL THE WAY UP TO THE CUTICLE EVERY SINGLE TIME DEAR GOD WHY I purposely avoid the sides of my nails and my cuticle line when I m swatching because I do swatches one after the other after the other Removing polishes that are applied too close to the skin can stain the skin around my nails and make the next swatch look bad I do it to keep the video clips and pictures clean Why don t you use a peel off base coat when you swatch You should use the UNT one because Simplynailogical uses it and everyone should use everything she uses with no exceptions I speed swatch The polish is still wet or tacky by the time I remove it to apply the next one Using a peel off base coat would not only add an extra step to my routine but would require me to wait for the polish to dry before it could be peeled off This would end up taking more time and be less efficient for me Trust me if Cristine suggests it I try it but everyone has different taste in products and everyone does things differently Two people can have vastly different opinions on a product It doesn t mean that one of them is wrong it means that they re different people Are you going to swatch the Essie OPI China Glaze _ collection Yes



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