Adorable Corgi Mailbox

by BuzzFeed Nifty

Adorable Corgi Mailbox


Get your life together with the Nifty Organization Journal bit ly 2AYkXm2Here is what you ll need How To Make A Corgi MailboxSUPPLIESStandard mailboxPaperPencilScissorsPlywoodJigsawSanderPainter s tapeSpray paintProtective gogglesGlovesRespirator maskIndustrial strength glueINSTRUCTIONSDraw and cut out a paper template of a corgi or dog animal of your choice head ears legs and tail Trace your paper template shapes onto plywood Secure plywood to work table with clamps and use jigsaw to cut out shapes Sand all of the wood shapes Use painter s tape to cover the mailbox flag and to create an outline of the corgi belly on the mailbox Put on gloves goggles and a mask to protect from yourself from inhaling fumes Spray paint the mailbox and wood pieces in your colors of choice Let all pieces dry thoroughly Remove painter s tape from mailbox Use industrial strength glue to attach wood pieces to mailbox Clamp or tape pieces to hold shape while drying if necessary Attach completed mailbox to a post and brighten your neighbors and mail carriers day Check us out on Facebook facebook com buzzfeedniftyMUSICBliss BombLicensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc VIDEOCorgi standing on hind legs in overgrown fieldBlend Motion Getty Images




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