From fast fashion to fair fash...
I was invited to speak about fast fashion at TEDxUniversityofMacedonia, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Instead of pointing at the negati...
It s not often that a seal earns a name at Ocean Conservation Namibia but Julius was quite the exception Antoine and Naude had seen him while on patrol for the first time 3 weeks before and had failed to net him on the first attempt Although he was carrying a huge burden around his neck he was still surprisingly fast and stayed in a dense pack while running to the ocean making it impossible for the rescuers to get close enough This was the same case on the second and third rescue attempts too Julius was then not seen again for another 2 weeks in which time Antoine had also departed back to France A few days ago Naude and Denzil spotted him once again in his usual resting area They were excited nervous and scared all at the same time Julius was loosing conditioning and they had to make this one count After a drive in by car and a short chase Naude managed to get him in the net He had so much rope around his neck that he actually got stuck on the way in They got to work and soon cut all the ropes off his back The next problem was that there were many ropes going through his mouth too and this would be a difficult and dangerous area to work Luckily Naude found an old hole in the net near his mouth and was able to cut the ropes one by one through the hole They then dragged him higher up the beach they were worried there might still be ropes remaining and if this was the case they needed to be able to get him back in the net again There was still one rope through his mouth which came loose when Naude grabbed the bundle of ropes dangling below This rescue will go down as one of the most memorable so far for Ocean Conservation Namibia To find out more about our work please like comment share and subscribe to our videos and visit
I was invited to speak about fast fashion at TEDxUniversityofMacedonia, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Instead of pointing at the negati...
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フォーエバー21のピアスをリメイクしました。 【材料の購入先】 貴和製作所 パーツクラブ 楽天ビーズアンドパーツ はまたつ
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annas(アンナス) / 刺繍作家・刺しゅうイラストレーター ネットショップ アンナとラパン 海外向けネットショップ(Net s...
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Brenden Dahle shares his family's recipe for Arkansas pumpkin pie.
お菓子作り動画#7 楽しいハッピーな気持ちになる
Hey youtube friends!! I'm back with another video :) Hope yall enjoy watching, and please let me know what you think + any questio...
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