Youll see very simply landsket...
No drawing and only rough brush strokes will avoid you the tendency to "coloring", instead of watercoloring .
COPYRIGHT 2018 those sweet words ALL RIGHTRESERVED 가을 부케Autumn bouquet가을이 오려나 봅니다처서가 지나고 아침 밤으로 선선한 바람이 불어요반가운 마음에가을 느낌을 담은 작업을 자주 하고 있답니다이번 영상은빈티지 레드빛으로 물든 가을 부케입니다형태에 변형이 많이 들어가지 않은 클래식 디자인이에요가을하면 자연스러운 부케를 연상할 수도 있지만 우선 컬러감으로 먼저 가을을 찾아 갑니다제작에 앞서 컨디셔닝을 최대한 깔끔하게 해주고재료를 번갈아 가면서 사용합니다더불어 몇가지 포인트를 정리하자면 원형을 그리며 소재 사이를 채우며 제작합니다부케에 맞게 바인딩포인트는 위에서부터 시작합니다핸들은 꽃 전체의 디자인에 맞게 조절합니다꽃의 줄기는 약간의 스파이럴로 돌아갑니다항상 도스워 꽃을 좋아해주시고 피드백주시는 분들감사드려요오늘도 계절과 꽃에 감사하며 다음 영상에서 뵙겠습니다 오이초 왁스플라워 겹튤립 백일홍 들꽃소재Fall is just around cornerI can feel cool wind during night and morning So these days I often arrange flowers with autumn mood In this video It is the autumn wedding bouquet with red vintage First of all I approach to a season fall with a lot of autumn colors It s a classical design and it doesn t need a lot of variations in a form If you remind the fall you get to imagine natural bouquet but I made it with autumn color Before handtied You should make stems neatand use various flowers one by one randomly in turns There are not fixed sequence Plus The whole shape is round so you can put flowers between stems And you can control the length of handle of the bouquet depending on a general flower design You hold and tie stems like a spiral shape Thank you for all your interests and feedback to us In gratitude for season and flowers Let s meet with next videos garden burnet wax flowers tulip zinnia elegans wild flower Business yeomshinae naver com Kakao talk those sweet words Music used Homesick Instrumental Version Loving Caliber The Sentimentality Scaled Down Version Emily Rubye
No drawing and only rough brush strokes will avoid you the tendency to "coloring", instead of watercoloring .
コスメブランド『MIRAGEM』(ミラジェム)を設立しました! 詳細はこちらから!
十易教程春天房間和桌子的裝飾。在這個視頻中,我展示了如何讓DIY櫻花時鐘,紙花環,吊燈有三個花盆,水彩畫丁香電話的情況下,書籍封面和書擋(礦物寶石),杯墊,筆筒和鉛筆禮帽。請享用! のせ猫オフィシャルブログ かご猫Blog http://kagonekoshir...
★LINEスタンプ(stickers)購入は… ★2019年 壁掛けカレンダーOthello&Cheese Jr 発売!2019 Othello&Cheese Jr Wall Calendar!...
メインチャンネル 釣りよかでしょう
i made whole watermelon ramen jelly/gummy;) it's ice-cold sweet watermelon,lemon pop flavors and taste is nice!
🎥Ultimate Peruvian Street Food Tour: 😃Timour’s channel: 👕T-sh...
簡単 ポーチ作り方 初心者向き 蓋付き3ポケットポーチ Three pocket
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