うさぎのぽぽの育成日記 第101話 ぽぽ「この時をまっていたでし」
I don t know exactly what her story is I ve thought of quite a few The idea for this painting came to me through rattling around fairy tale objects in my head over a month or two masks armor ruins forest What happened Why was she wearing a mask Why has she taken it off Let me know if you think of some good explanations oil paint on cradled wood panel Ruth Speer 2017 music Coffee Break Aux edited slightly to be shorter by me Everything I Could Never Tell You Joey Pecoraro Piano Improvisation Thursday Stephen Siragher Better Times Neutrin05 Bear Life Form all licensed under Creative Commons links tools paints gamblin titanium white alizarin permanent cadmium red medium yellow ochre lemon yellow quinacridone magenta ultramarine blue pthalo blue terre verte cadmium orange transparent earth yellow mediums in order of appearance grumbacher workable matte fixative gamsol gamblin s solvent free fluid galkyd gamvar varnish
うさぎのぽぽの育成日記 第101話 ぽぽ「この時をまっていたでし」
오늘의 메뉴는 녹차크림을 듬뿍 채운 녹차 쿠키슈입니다. 제가 가장 좋아하는 디저트가 바로 슈 인데요. 이번에는 녹차를 이용해 만들었어요. 과정이 조금 복잡하긴 하지만, 천천히 단계 하나하나 따라하다보면 만들 수 있을거예요.
We’re all living through strange, uncertain times so I hope you’re looking after yourselves. Here are some of my favourite self ca...
생활의 달인에 소개된 32년 경력의 파티시에님이 운영하는 상수동 인생빵집 폴301의 맛있는 빵을 부산 신세계 백화점에서 만났습니다. 원조 카스테라로 불리는 카스티야는 촉촉함과 폭심함이 치즈케잌이나 수플레팬케잌과 비교될 정도로 부드러웠...
エラーを訂正しましたm(_ _)m 正しい動画→https://youtu.be/VNtBwttYzD0
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