Packed Vegan Lunch Ideas for Students! (easy & cheap)

by Mina Rome

Packed Vegan Lunch Ideas for Students! (easy & cheap)


Today s video features 3 4 super simple tasty and easy to recreate vegan meals for students We have savory waffles pancakes vegan tofu quesadillas possibly the best spiced energy bites you can make and spicy vegan sushi Share your recreations on Instagram mina_rome Email minarome yt gmail comWebsite www mina rome com INGREDIENTS 1 Spicy Vegan Sushi1 cup sushi rice 225g 2 cups water 500ml ¼ tsp saltoptional 1 tsp mirin rice vinegar add it after the rice is cooked How I cooked the rice first brought the pot to a boilreduced the heat to medium low with the lid placed halfway on topletting it cook for 10 15 min adding another splash of water if necessaryplacing the lid on fullyturning the heat offand letting the rice steam through for another 10 15 minletting the rice cool off3 nori sheetsavocado cucumber smoked tofu spring onion etc1 heaping tbsp vegan cream cheese½ tsp chilipaste gochujang a splash of water sub cream cheese for hummus or homemade tofu cheese serves 2 2 Spiced Apple Energy Bites1 cup dates soaked in water for at least 15 min 150g ½ cup 1 tbsp small cut oats 45g 1 tbsp a very generous pinch of salt½ tsp vanilla½ tsp cinnamon3 tbsp unsweetened apple sauce1 ½ tbsp flax seeds semi ground yields 10 12 bites 3 Toasted Tofu Scramble Tortillafor the scramble 1 block of plain tofu firm or semi firm 200g 250g 1 spring onionsalt to taste 2 tsp nutritional yeast¼ tsp turmeric¼ tsp paprika¼ tsp black pepper or more to tasteoptional ½ tsp kala namak1 tbsp plain vegan yogurt or sub with plain hummus 1 tsp white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar or 1 tbsp lemon juice1 tbsp vegetable oil for frying2 ½ tbsp plain vegan yogurt or ¼ cup non dairy milk 60ml a squeeze of lemon juice if neededalso 3 tortillasfresh spinachmore spring onion serves 2 3 makes 3 tortillas 4 Savory Waffles1 cup spelt flour 125g 1 tbsp corn starch2 3 tsp salt½ tsp paprika½ tsp black pepper1 ½ tsp baking powder1 tbsp olive oil1 tbsp apple cider vinegar2 tbsp applesauce unsweetened⅔ cup water 160ml 1 spring onion¼ block smoked tofu 50g oil for the waffle makerfor the pancakes I d say 3 4 min on each side medium medium high heat Music used intro by Much love Mina This video is sponsored by Squarespace



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