Painting and applying gold leaf to an illuminated letter

by Calligraphy by Moya

Painting and applying gold leaf to an illuminated letter


This year I m making it a project to learn how to illuminate including the trickiest part learning to gild I m posting a letter a week more or less on my Instagram account moyagraphy and for some of them when I remember I m including process videos This is obviously the letter F I worked from a reference in The Bible Of Illuminated Letters and used the following materials in order of their appearance more or less goatskin parchment paper not real parchment 0 5mm pencil patent gold leaf 23 5 karat I think Instacoll the substance the gold leaf sticks to artist quality gouache I use a mix of brands size 1 000 and 20 0 paintbrushes a ton of patience not much sleep a lot of loveIn filming this video I just turned my camera on to record a few minutes here and there of each process and even so I still had three hours of footage to cut down into one video So you can extrapolate from that how long it takes to paint one of these



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