短足マンチカンの男の子、プリンです! 今日はただただプリンが後を付いて歩いてるだけの動画ですが、 可愛すぎてこの2倍くらい歩かせて堪能してしまいました。 おやつで釣ったりしてませんよ。笑
Apologies for not having a ton of content lately I ve been having some lower back pain and as a result it s been painful to sit and paint or edit videos Not being able to focus purely on the painting and video editing process and having to take breaks every thirty minutes is demoralizing and frustrating Props to those of you who deal with chronic pain because I don t know how to function properly both physically and mentally and it s only been a few weeks Fortunately I think it s slowly getting better with yoga and taking more walks but this has definitely made me more grateful for my health and got me thinking about what I can do to keep myself healthy in the future Those of you who sit for long periods of time remember to sit up straight take breaks and stretch and go on walks the more often the better Take care of yourselves And don t forget to wear a mask Now that I look back at this piece I see some things I would change But I m still happy with it because it was satisfying to create Even without the back pain I was struggling to find motivation because I ve been overthinking every piece I make and being extremely hard on myself for not being productive But I m trying to forgive myself for not making a ton of art when I m not feeling up to it and accept that not everything is perfect Materials used 6x6 PanelShop Paper TowelsGamsol Mineral Spirits Gamblin oil paint Ivory Black Titanium White Cadmium Red Light Alizarin Crimson Transparent Red Oxide Yellow Ochre Indian Yellow Cerulean Blue Radiant TurqoiseBrushes Princeton Select Chisel Blender size 10Princeton Imperial Round size 4Princeton Kolinsky Sable Round size 4Princeton Velvetouch Spotter size 3 0Princeton Velvetouch Stroke 1 4 Blick Studio Bright size 0 for scraping paint away Music Revolt LuwaksComfort Zone NebulaePrime Street SmartfaceUnthinkable R A DAmanacer El Neon7 Magnets Luwaks
短足マンチカンの男の子、プリンです! 今日はただただプリンが後を付いて歩いてるだけの動画ですが、 可愛すぎてこの2倍くらい歩かせて堪能してしまいました。 おやつで釣ったりしてませんよ。笑
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クリスマスオーナメントの第2弾は、 キラキラの星と氷の粒をイメージしたガーランドです。 ツリーの飾り付けが楽しみです♪
Today we are testing out some new makeup! Let me know what you guys think and definitely don't forget to Subscribe for more videos...
Subscribe for more DIY Videos! http://bit.ly/MelanieHam Blog Post with Instructions: http://melaniekham.com/crochet-zip-pouch/
Всем привет! Вот как думал так и Колобочек спустя 5 дней пришел в себя. Занимаюсь плотно щенками, профилактические меры. Тем кто ...
皆様いつもご視聴、コメントありがとうございます! 私の事を大切に思ってくれているファンの皆様にいつも感謝しています❤️私はいつも皆さんを大切に思ってます。 楽しんで動画を観て頂ければ嬉しいです❤️
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