Pantry Raid: Date Shake Edition

by Alton Brown

Pantry Raid: Date Shake Edition


You can stuff yours with blue cheese but the first thing I do when I get my hand on a date is shake it Subscribe and ring the bell



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¡Hola a todos! Hoy te muestro cómo bordar un bouquet de botones de rosas 3D. Es una técnica que podrás realizar fácilmente. Puedes...

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When this bulldog puppy was rescued, he was the size of a Coke can — He can't walking at the beginning and wouldn't stop talking! ...


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中国語でフクロウは”猫頭鷹”と書きます。 正面から見た顔がちょっと猫っぽいですよね。 家の中で放鳥する時は必ず戸締りのチェックを忘れずに!


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