Pineapple Roll Tarts 黄梨饼凤梨酥

by Kathrine Kwa

Pineapple Roll Tarts 黄梨饼凤梨酥


Ingredients for filling 黄梨果酱 3 pineapples 黄梨 凤梨 250g sugar 白砂糖 1 stick cinnamon 肉桂 4 cloves 丁香 1 lemon zest 柠檬皮屑 1 tbsp lemon juice 柠檬汁 Ingredients for pastry 饼皮材料 250g butter 牛油 50g icing sugar 糖粉 1 egg yolk 蛋黄 360g plain flour 普通面粉 2 tbsp custard powder 蛋黄粉 For glazing 1 egg mix with 1 8 tsp salt slightly beaten 1 粒蛋加入1 8茶匙盐拌匀



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