Big Luxury Beauty Haul
Thanks so much for tuning into Big Luxury Beauty Haul. Hope you enjoy! xoxo
HEY EVERYONE Welcome BACK to my channel Hi how are ya Today I m testing out the brand new pizza eyeshadow palette from the brand Glamlite They sent me the PR box in the mail and I couldn t resist Is the formula goor or is this just another gimmick Watch and find out the truth and if the pizza palette is Jeffree Star Approved SNAPCHAT jeffreedahmer TWITTER jeffreestarSWEATER BY Taco BellWATCH MORE VIDEOS courtesy of NoCopyrightSounds
Thanks so much for tuning into Big Luxury Beauty Haul. Hope you enjoy! xoxo
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오늘은 고양이들과 코코넛을 가지고 놀았어요. 마지막에는 코코넛으로 루루와 순발력 대결까지!
Impossible to describe the stink in that abandoned building… an attack on the senses and on dignity… there was Jack, unable to wal...
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打發蛋白是做 Souffle Pancakes成功的關鍵, 一定要打到影片中的狀態 蛋白打發得太軟或太硬都會影響製成品, 一定要小心打發 另外, 因為無添加泡打粉, pancakes 會在上碟後慢慢縮小 所以要準備好上碟時會用到的工具及材料才開始打發蛋白啊!
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