
Two Guys Feed A Scared Stray C...

  • by SlideShow ForFun 1426

Two guys were feeding a feral cat. They would put food out for her and then leave. The feral kitty was too scared and nervous to e...

黃金比例滑嫩茶碗蒸/ chawan mushi | MASA...

  • by MASAの料理ABC 1603

介紹日本的傳統蒸料理! 做法很簡單。只要注意, 蛋&高湯的比例&加熱的方式 就可以做出來超級滑嫩的 美味茶碗蒸喔~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و MASA YouTube頻道:🍅