Q&A TIME!!! Part 2 *Answering your luxury & shopping questions!*

by hello catwalk city

Q&A TIME!!! Part 2 *Answering your luxury & shopping questions!*


Thank you for your overwhelmingly kind and supportive responses to my last Q A video In part 1 I answered your questions about my personal background YouTube and finances In this part 2 video I m excited to answer your questions related to luxury shopping I hope you enjoy PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE As always thanks so much for watching Instagram hello_catwalk_cityThis is NOT a sponsored video



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娘のピアノの演奏でテンションが上がったのか、テンションが高いデコ豆を見て娘が選曲したのかは不明ですが、暴れまわるオデコと豆大福がかわいいです^^ 最後は言わんこっちゃない状態になりますが、懲りてない様子の豆大福がまたかわいいです♬