This video is designed for persons 13 years old and over Mature themes may be present In episode 6 of The Crusoe Show Crusoe the Dachshund is in his handmade dog costume of BATDOG obviously based on the Batman superhero He is wondering the streets aggrandizing himself and soaking in the glory of his stardom and fame as the egotistical and babe seeking superhero he is As you will see BATDOG does not appreciate being called a cute dog in fact he prefers the term sexy and will probably trip you if you call him something like cute BATDOG goes on to order a hot dog from a hot dog cart but when they deny him purchase based on discrimination once again BATDOG is not so happy As the video progresses we see BATDOG s nemesis BANE track down his whereabouts and come after him to finally destroy him They have a quick run around the park and then settle for the final battle to the death which is conducted via Rock Paper Scissors to which BATDOG uses his cunning to defeat BANE In the end without Bane s special muscle pumping hose and mask attachment he shrinks to a scrawny little chihuahua and runs away Follow Crusoe in more places Instagram crusoe_dachshundTikTok crusoe_dachshund
Good boi need some rest :) Comment "Sleep well good boye" so Doggo has a good night and dreams about nugs and cookies.
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おはようございます☀ 今回はゴジラみたいなユニコーンのスクイーズを作りました^ ^ ※声が気になる方は音をミュートにしてご覧ください。
みなさまお待たせのチュール動画です! チュール自体僕はあまり把握しておらずどんなものか初めてだったのでまさかこんな事になるとは思いませんでした。
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