When the windows are really di...
Just a quick funny video today! Smoothie cleaning the windows. Just for your information, this is not sped up! Does your cat do th...
Here s a tiny pet bunny rabbit eating a peach pit for a snack He makes lots of licking and crunching noises when eating perfect for a rabbit ASMR video The rabbit loves eating fresh fruits and vegetables and a delicious peach is one of his favorite treats to eat especially when doing a bunny ASMR mukbang This is not the first time the rabbit has had a peach he actually made an entire music video about his love for them here You may wonder can rabbits eat peaches Yes they can Can rabbits do ASMR mukbangs Yes they totally can When eating the rabbit makes lots of rabbit munching sounds and lots of rabbit crunching sounds If you d like to hear more juicy and squishy sounds he also recently ate a strawberry We labeled the rabbit video ASMR in case some viewers would enjoy the eating and crunching sounds the eating bunny makes we certainly think the rabbit s chewing could be considered relaxing What is ASMR ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response and is used to describe an experience characterized by a static like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine In short ASMR is that feeling of getting the chills Maybe his eating the juicy peach will trigger you to feel ASMR who knows Or maybe the rabbit will just put you right to sleep Or maybe you just wonder what a bunny eating looks like Whatever the reason thanks for stopping by We just recently learned what mukbang is where a host eats on camera and interacts with viewers Is this it The rabbit is the host and he s eating but he s not interacting with people watching Hmm so is it mukbang If you have a thought please let us know Thanks for checking out Pipkin and our rabbit channel We hope you think this is the cutest rabbit video ever because he really enjoyed making this ASMR video If you d like to see more cute rabbit videos please watch some of our other work And yes this tiny bunny rabbit is the same rabbit we woke up with an air horn His rabbit air horn video is still his most popular rabbits cute bunnies rabbitasmr
Just a quick funny video today! Smoothie cleaning the windows. Just for your information, this is not sped up! Does your cat do th...
Hey Guys! Here’s something a little different! One painting, but two artists! My good friend and artist Noel Guard came to visit m...
ちょうど一年前の小太郎です。バタバタしてたので何年も経ってる感覚です。 暑い暑いと言いながら過ごす毎日ですが朝夕が涼しくなってくると夏の終わりが少し寂しく感じますね。
ここ最近お伝えしているビニールを使った収納ポーチです♪ クラッチバッグ風同様、ダイソーのビニールのソフトケースを使用しております^^ サイズ展開が沢山あるので、お好きな大きさでよければ作ってみて下さいね(*^^*)
【激変】 メイク | ハロウィン #2
Пара дрессировщиков Светлана и Юрий Пантелеенко впервые увидели медведя Степу в зоопарке, когда ему было всего 3 месяца. Сородичи ...
2019年10月18日より新連載の漫画「今日から未来」のイラスト作画風景です。 下記アドレスから第1話が読めます。
気持ち良さそうに眠っている子猫リリリム♡ お天気もいいので、ちょっと遠出のお散歩に行きました! 梅の花が咲いてとっても綺麗♪ でもリキリコは梅の花より海の方がいいみたい(笑) 尻尾で遊んであげているのはリム=^_^= 遊んでいるのはリリです♡ #柴犬 #子猫
夏に崩れにくいベースメイク動画はこちら プチプラバージョン https://youtu.be/Cn0LdvTYAqE
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