I really wanted to wear a set of normal nails for a change BUT I wanted my ring finger as blingy as possible so I put a WHOLE load of crystals on it which look absolutely gorgeous in real life I also wanted to use the most glittery nail bed I could find so this one from Naio Nails was perfect what do YOU think As I said I am changing my ring fingers in next weeks video and im using something I haven t used for YEARS So I hope u look forward to that one guys Thank you ever so much for watching guys all the links to everything I used in this video are down below I hope u enjoyed the video and I hope to see u next time Nicki xx PinkandWhiteManicure CrystalNails AbsoluteNails ACRYLIC PRODUCTS I USE IN MOST OF MY VIDEOS NAIO NAILS Websites NAIL ART AND NAIL PRODUCTS I am an affiliate for this company so I do receive a small fee from there sales SMILEYS GLITTER STORE This is the link also used for people who live in the USA AUSTRALIA CANADA LINK TO FEMME FATALE NAILS THE ACRYLIC BRUSH I USE You can also buy a REALLY GOOD brush from LINK TO THE LED UV LAMP AND EFILE I USE To see more of what i get upto outside of Youtube follow me on Facebook I also have an Instagram page come follow me at And link to my Facebook fanpage
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