Take a look at @mrs_akaeva always innovative and beautiful eye makeup inspiration. Her Instagram profile has plenty of gorgeous ey...
TO PURCHASE THE FLOWER CUTTER SET if this link doesn t work search fondant cuttersTo purchase the beautiful metallic flakes music by Joshua Freeman Not all of my pieces are available for purchase but are shared for visual inspiration My original designs are free to use in all your personal work for craft fairs and art shows however if you are to copy them for sale or reproduction in videos or on the internet you need my express written permission If you post on facebook my designs or any other artist please give them credit so other people can learn and be inspired check out my facebook page www facebook com turtlesoupbeadswhere I get my polymer clay my etsy store which I can only open a few weeks a year because videos take so much of my time www etsy com shop turtlesoupbeads
Take a look at @mrs_akaeva always innovative and beautiful eye makeup inspiration. Her Instagram profile has plenty of gorgeous ey...
I've had a couple of Esti's asking how to do a nose wax, so I figured I would demonstrate one on myself! Nose waxes are actually v...
山岡家で11月22日からの新メニュー「特製もやし味噌ラーメン」が発売されたのにかこつけて、また飲んできました。 【山岡家HP】
眼底検査から帰宅後のネコ吉の様子ですが、検査以降、瞳孔が大きく開いたまま戻らなかったので心配してしまいましたが、翌朝には元に戻り、とりあえずほっとしました。 後で友人から聞いた話によると、人間の場合だと検査の時などに瞳孔を開く目薬を差す場合があるらしいので、お...
Hey plant fam!!! Thank you for coming back to my channel! If you're new here WELCOME! 🌱💕 . Today we're checking out two plant nurs...
お菓子作り動画#142 楽しいハッピーな気持ちになる Cake&Food 観るだけで楽しい気持ちになる動画#142 お菓子の技が凄い!! The Most Satisfying Cake & Food Video Compilation #142
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