Schezwan Sauce Recipe | Homemade Schezwan Sauce | Chinese Sauce | Kanaks Kitchen

by Kanak's Kitchen

Schezwan Sauce Recipe | Homemade Schezwan Sauce | Chinese Sauce | Kanaks Kitchen


Presenting you Schezwan Sauce Recipe Homemade Schezwan Sauce Do give a big like to this recipe in case you liked it also please do share with maximum friends as possible I love to read all your comments and questions In case you have any questions provide me in the comments section Note If you hit the bell icon you will be the first to receive all my videos so hit the bell icon and select to receive all mobile notifications As always thanks for watching INGREDIENTS 100 gms dry red chillies 50 gms kashmiri bedki red chillies 7 8 tbsp oil 1 2 cup finely chopped garlic 4 5 tbsp finely chopped ginger salt 1tsp soy sauce 1 tsp sugar 3 tbsp vinegar 2 3 tbsp tomato sauce Products I use in Kitchen Recommend Kanak s Kitchen Menu Social Media Links schezwansauce homemadeschezwansauce kanankskitchen




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