SEPHORA HAUL | What I Got During The Sale

by KathleenLights

SEPHORA HAUL | What I Got During The Sale


Hey Guys Watch in HD Here is a video where I show you everything I purchased from the Sephora Appreciation sale I hope you enjoy Thanks for watching xoxo Products I Mentioned Pat Mcgrath Permagel Ultra Lip Pencils in Done Undone Bare Rose Night Fever BuffPat Mcgrath Lust Glosses in Pale Fire Nectar Aliengelic TwiloHourglass Illusion Hyalluronic Skin TintTatcha The Silk Canvas PrimerOleHenriksen Cold Plunge Pore MaskREN Evercalm Overnight Recovery BalmFarmacy Honeymoon Glow AHA Resurfacing Night SerumBelif Aqua Bomb MistBareMinerals Blemish Rescue Skin Clearing Loose Powder FoundationAtelier Cologne Vanille InsenséeNudestix Eyebrow Stylus Pencil Waterproof Styling GelNatasha Danona Mini Lila Eyeshadow PaletteNatasha Danona Super Glow Highlighter in Light Medium Hourglass 9 Dome Shadow BrushDior Addict Laquer Sticks in Rolling Rising StarWhat I m Wearing Top TopshopEarrings Forever 21 Nails all blues from KL Polish Brows Anastasia Brow Wiz in Dark BrownFace Hourglass illusion Skin Tint FAB Bendy Avocado Concealer Thrive Causemetics Rhea Bronzer Burt s Bees Toasted Cinnamon Blush Natasha Denona Super Glow in Light MediumEyes Natasha Denona Mini Lila Palette Thrive Causmetics Liquid Lash Extensions Mascara Lips SUBSCRIBE TO KLPOLISH youtube com klpolish GET 10 OFF ON MORPHE BRUSHES WITH MY COUPON CODE Kathleenlights If you are a business company who would like to contact me about reviewing a product please email me at kathleenlights yahoo com Don t forget to follow me on my social media sites Instagram Kathleenlights Twitter Kathleenlights1 And follow KLPolish while you are at it lol Instagram KLPolish Twitter KLPolish Facebook KLPolish MUSIC BY PremiumBeat com FAQ What camera do you use Canon Rebel 80D What do you use to edit your videos Final Cut Pro Where did you get your vanity Danny actually built it for me FTC This video is NOT sponsored MUG is an affiliate link Morphe Ofra codes are affiliate codes kathleenlights sephora sale




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