The Best 6 Months Of Our Lives! This Is Mias Journey (CUTEST VIDEO EVER!!)

by Life with Malamutes

The Best 6 Months Of Our Lives! This Is Mias Journey (CUTEST VIDEO EVER!!)


Hey everyone Mia has recently turned 6 months old can you believe it We thought we d take some of the best clips and create a little quite long video of how her bond has been created with the furlings She has come such a long way so quickly This week she has learned to sit up unaided she s had two teeth come through and has transitioned from a drag to a crawl All the pets are confused by her rapid learning curve and bamboozled by her ability to now come after them This video shows clips from when we announced we were pregnant to day one of Amelia coming home right through to 6 months and all the love thats shared between her and her best furry friends She s always protected by them and wakes up wanting to see them first thing they are always there for her We hope you enjoy watching this long vide of our best memories to date It s something to keep you entertained during these uncertain times It s definitely one to put in a playlist or come back to watch later Don t forget to hit that like button and support our channel subscribe for daily updates Remember we re running a Po Box address in contact tab too and the unboxing of all the packages we are receiving will be uploaded on Niko s Birthday 2nd July with the Adsense revenue being donated to a charity we ve worked with in the past for malamutes and huskies Saint sled dog s rescues here in the uk Thanks again for watching guys love from all your furry friends xx



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