Sewing an 1890s Victorian Blouse with *HUGE* Sleeves

by American Duchess

Sewing an 1890s Victorian Blouse with *HUGE* Sleeves


Just in time for Spring a new Victorian inspired blouse to add to your history bounding wardrobe This 1890s Victorian shirtwaist is made using Truly Victorian TV494 1894 Shirtwaists with a few easy sewing alterations The blouse has wonderful big puff sleeves and is made from linen the best fabric for hot weather Follow along as Lauren cuts sews messes up corrects and completes this great balloon sleeve blouse perfect for a high fashion couture look but made with thrifty natural materials by the slow fashion power of her own hands Stuff in this video some of these are affiliate links Follow American Duchess elsewhere Instagram American Duchess Facebook facebook com americanduchess




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