Shortbread Jam Squares

by Tasty

Shortbread Jam Squares


Here is what you ll need Shortbread Jam Squares Makes 9INGREDIENTS125 grams butter50 grams caster sugar1 egg2 tablespoons oil1 teaspoon vanilla extract350 grams plain flour2 teaspoons baking powder400 grams blackcurrant jamIcing sugar for dustingPREPARATION1 Preheat the oven to 180 C 350 F 2 In a bowl whisk together the butter and sugar until combined 3 Whisk in the egg oil and vanilla extract 4 Mix in the baking powder and 250 grams of the flour with a spoon until combined 5 Bring the mixture together using your hands to make a dough 6 Spray a 9 inch 25 centimeter square baking tray with cooking oil 7 Spread out half of the dough on the tray 8 Spread the blackcurrant jam on top 9 With the remaining dough mix in the remaining 100 grams flour and rub with your fingers to make a crumb like texture 10 Sprinkle the crumbs on top of the jam 11 Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown on top 12 Leave to cool for around 20 minutes the jam will be hot 13 Sieve icing sugar on top 14 Cut into squares 15 Enjoy Check us out on Facebook facebook com buzzfeedtastyMUSICLicensed via Audio Network



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