Smitten Farm Animals

by Sunflower Farm Creamery

Smitten Farm Animals


Every animal on the farm has another animal on the farm they especially idolize Bob the tailless kitten always follows around the biggest orange chicken He sits next to her and purrs Our big orange barn kitten Uncle Ed is in love with our older barn cat Virginia For weeks she has ignored his advances but just yesterday the affection seemed mutual Lola the littlest farm dog loves to herd our first goat ever Old Don Pedro and baby Max who is 8th months and can now crawl loves them all and is happy to be able to follow her animal friends but especially loves following around Lola Then there are the three orange kitten boys that love fest is ongoing A big circle of love There is nothing more fun than seeing them all out together PS Max just happened to make an adorable yawning noise just when Uncle Ed yawns so funny To use this video in a commercial player or broadcast please email licensing storyful com



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