Snow-Globe Nail Art! | Day 3 | (Collab With Sarahs Nail Secrets)

by Talia's Nail Tales

Snow-Globe Nail Art! | Day 3 | (Collab With Sarahs Nail Secrets)


Welcome to our 12 Days of Nail Art Christmas series featuring me Talia from Talia s Nail Tales and Sarah from Sarah s nail secrets Day three is themed snow globe nail art Check out what I designed for our snow globe theme WinterNailArt ChristmasNailArt TaliasNailsTales Email me here taliathrivelife gmail com Thrive related emails ONLY Ongoing Promotion Sign up two friends and Thrive for free Follow my art Facebook Instagram TaliasNailTalesSecond Channel www YouTube com TaliaLillianEmail for business purposes ONLY gelnailsbytalia gmail comSecond Instagram Talia_Lillian What s on my nails LE Belgium Blue and Cheers from Down UnderNails done by Products Mentioned I had a hard time finding the ones I used these would work I received the ones I used from a nail tech friend If you are searching for it try nail art frames The Nail Team Glitters in Ice Crystals Glacier Mother of Pearl Use Code Talia for 10 off Doubled ended stamperGet Plaid PlateBright White polishIn the Frosty Air PlateDiamonds in Ice Use code Talia fro 10 off Crystal Glue Application Light Siam Light Gold Emerald Use Code Talia10 for 10 off Discount Codes Clear Jelly Stamper Use code Talia to save 10 offINT Nails Use code Talia to save 30 offEgoista Use code Talia10 for 10 offArkon Mounts Use Code Talia20 for 20 offMusic in video Use this Link to save 20 off E Helpful Videos to FAQ FAQ Desk Custom made table top with Alex drawer units from IkeaNail Art Storage All Ikea Alex Drawer unitsWallpaper From Rocky Mountain Decals Camera Lighting Tripods Use code Talia20 for 20 off all Arkon products Disclaimer Some products may have been sent for review and consideration All thoughts and opinions on products are my own



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