《Tinrry+》帅帅小厨教你做奶昔面包(三种口味) Mil...
Hello friends I m sorry for skipping last weeks upload but I hope this longer video makes up for it I know its a bit messy and all over the place but really that s how I work It s been shot on a few days over a span of a few weeks Not even sure at this point exactly how long Honestly I should have wrote down some notes on the day of the week but I forgot to I will probably do that next time I film this sort of weekly studio vlog I hope you enjoy seeing more behind the scenes of how I make my products Oh and yes my shop is live S O C I A L S M U S I C musicbed com
DIY notebooks tutorial :) In this video I show how to make cute Koala, Panda and Dog notebooks and notepads. Their ears are bookma...
#沛莉抽獎 留言告訴我為什麼你想要 [TO BE WHITE 2倍瞬白極致美齒精華液],隨機抽2支 (7ml正貨), 價值$880/支 ❤️ 活動時間到 2/15 23:59,2/18在網站 http://5happy.cc/ 公佈抽獎(也會回留言,請記得檢...
[グッズ]ピスタ&骨折Tはこちら! https://uuum.skiyaki.net/risasekine
Kim Kardashian released her new solution wear line SKIMS and you knowww I had to put it on a plus size body and see if it's really...
I had so many people asking how we do the Raspberry Ripple jammy spready effect on the cake in last week's Tuesday Tip on how to d...
With this cosplay makeup you can make yourself look just like Ibuki Mioda from the anime Danganronpa! ❀OPEN FOR MORE INFO❀
Today I'm giving you a full run down on the Best & Worst Luxury and Drugstore Concealers on my list. xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO Before & ...
冬天了,大阪的天氣突然好冷。不知道大家那邊也這麼冷嗎? 今天我們介紹適合冷天也適合聖誕節的熱巧克力。 很好喝哦!
►More Street Food in Pakistan: https://youtu.be/NQDom2gxiVc ►Go follow My buddy Ali: https://www.instagram.com/alinhamdani/ ►subsc...
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