ひな人形とねこ。-Hina dolls and Maru&H...
もうすぐひな祭り!It is the Doll's Festival soon! BGM:甘茶の音楽工房 ---------------------------------------------------------- まるの動くラインスタンプ発売中!! ...
Stumpwork is a three dimensional embroidery technique utilizing padding and wire This tutorial will focus on wired slips which are 3D elements created using wire fabric and floss You will need plenty of patience to tackle a stumpwork project but you only need to know a handful of stitches to create these dynamic additions to your hand embroidery art Find Pippa s amazing work here lemonpepperstudio com
もうすぐひな祭り!It is the Doll's Festival soon! BGM:甘茶の音楽工房 ---------------------------------------------------------- まるの動くラインスタンプ発売中!! ...
In this video I feed the pet turtles a pack of hot dogs. They absolutely love them and crawl up on the bank to eat them. Thanks fo...
「すごくかわいい猫」 猫はハムスターを愛する - 猫とハムスターは親友です https://youtu.be/AcnLXJA9EO8 #猫 #ハムスター
你们不是一直都想看猫咪的一天是怎么过的嘛 我和老父亲用相机把仙女桃子的一天都记录了下来 原本以为会是一个卖萌的合集 结果却是个踩奶纪录片???
To donate for Stella and her babies: http://TinyKittens.com/donate Please note: Stella is a rescued feral cat, and her environme...
なにわ淀川花火大会を家の窓からひのきとお父さんが観賞しました^^ 花火を怖がらないで見ている様子が可愛いです♬
Fun challenge: if you laugh or even smile, you have to restart the video! Can you keep your face serious through the entire video?...
Another week in the books for 2017 and another week filled with amazing pets and pet videos! From dogs and cats to chickens and co...
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