Sushi Donuts ☆ 寿司ドーナツの作り方

by Peaceful Cuisine

Sushi Donuts ☆ 寿司ドーナツの作り方


Music Epidemic Sound get 30 day free trial using the link below 1 Generations To Come Sam Eber Ingredients for sushi vinegar 70g rice vinegar 40g sugar1 1 2 tsp salt450g rice400ml watercarrotbeetavocadotoasted white sesame seedschive It would be a good idea to add toasted white sesame seed oil and a little bit of salt to sliced vegetables to get them soften and it make shaping part easier I guess Instructions 1 combine rice vinegar sugar and salt in a small bowl 2 cook rice as you usually do use less water than usual 3 sprinkle sushi vinegar over the rice and mix well 4 thinly slice your vegetables 5 place vegetables on a donut tin then fill with rice 6 sprinkle toasted sesame seeds or whatever you like 7 eat with soy sauce Enjoy 材料 寿司酢 米酢 70g甘味料 40g塩 小さじ1 5お米 3合水 400ml 通常より少なめに 人参ビートアボカド白ごまチャイブ これらの野菜類はナムルのようにごま油と少量の塩で軽く揉んでおくと 成形がしやすくなり味も付いて 更に表面の野菜が乾燥しづらくなります 作り方 1 寿司酢の材料を混ぜ合わせておきます 2 お米を炊きます お水少なめで 3 寿司酢をお米にかけ 混ぜ合わせます 4 お好きな野菜を薄く切ります 5 ドーナツ型にスライスした野菜を並べ 酢飯を型に軽く押し入れます 6 白ごまやハーブなどで飾り付けます 7 醤油でいただきましょう エンジョーイ Instagram peaceful_cuisine Equipments etc Camera Fujifilm GFX100Lens Fujinon GF45mmF2 8Lens Filter Kenko variable NDX 82mm Kenko MC close up filter NEO No 1 No 3Mic RODE Videomic Pro Monitor Atomos ShinobiTripods SLIK carbon 923 pro SLIK carbon 823 pro SLIK mini pro 7 RRS TP 243 Ground Level TripodSlider iFootage Shark Slider MiniEdit Adobe Premiere Pro



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